A day in Bahçelievler, Ankara

Bahçelievler means houses with gardens. What a lovely name for a neighborhood. I never really visited it much when I lived in Ankara other than visits to the hospital, an antique store, and visits to Anitkabir (the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk). According to Wikipedia, Bahcelievler was known in the 1970s as a battleground for... Continue Reading →

When Manayunk Returns to Ankara

I'm not saying it's going to happen. But I'm not saying it's not either. Should I return to Ankara, what would be my first things to see and do? 1- Hug my mother-in-law and brother-in-law (obviously) and meet my new sister-in-law! I don't think there is a word for "little sister," is there? And if... Continue Reading →

When Ayranci Came to Manayunk

Yeah, I like that title too. It seems like I start all of my posts these days with, "I haven't written in a long time." From now on, and until otherwise notified, let's take it as a gimme that I won't write unless I'm moved - when I really have something to say. So, we... Continue Reading →

Kiteboarding Turkey

I'm not a water sports person, so I have no idea when kiteboarding, also known as kite surfing, became popular. I would love to share with you, however, my firsthand experience having watched it live in Turkey. At the end of summer 2018, we took a trip to Burhaniye (Ayvalik) on the western coast. My... Continue Reading →

The Turk Takes a Trip

Are you tired of the winter blues? Need a little break from Ankara? Feeling a little athletic? Can you deal with just a little bit of hectic travel? Why not try winter sports in France?! As I've previously written, Turkey boasts a truly beautiful mountain for snowboarding and skiing in the heart of Anatolia at... Continue Reading →

Typing in Turkey

After years of blogging, my husband decided that I should own a typewriter.  I had always wanted one, but had never pulled the trigger.  He presented me with my first manual typewriter, a 1961 Royal Futura 800. A year and a half later, I'm the proud owner of 13 manual typewriters ranging from extremely odd... Continue Reading →

Remembering Expat Thanksgiving(s)

I spent 6.5 years in Ankara.  Before moving there, one of the most difficult things I could imagine was celebrating American holidays without my family.  Even harder, would be celebrating Thanksgiving since it is not a holiday at all in Turkey! It has been two years since I returned to the States.  Looking back, my... Continue Reading →

Buying winter tires in Ankara

A reader asked a couple of great questions on one of my earlier blog posts, Tips for Driving in the Snow in Turkey.  She was wondering about the costs of winter tires and how a non-Turkish speaker could find out about it?  Below are my thoughts on the matter, but your experiences would be welcome... Continue Reading →

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