March Comes in Like a Lion

It was a long and rough winter for us in Ankara.  For a moment there, I thought all of the stars in the sky had a bad case of dandruff - it snowed that much!  In fact, we had flurries again yesterday.  But now the sun is shining and flowers are poking their little heads... Continue Reading →


Hello Friends! I am sure by now you have noticed that I decided to take a little break.  I will be back next week.  Stay tuned for more! Yours truly at Adventures in Ankara

Kids and Social Media

I am far from being an "authority" on parenting skills.  Fortunately, this post is not really about that. From what I have seen in many parts of Turkey, children are raised differently from those in the U.S. - for the most part. Of course, there are exceptions.  But most children are treated like little gods... Continue Reading →

In the Land of . . .

. . . Snow! Ankara is not historically known for big snowfalls.  Apparently, that is changing now that I am here.  Last year, I flew back to the States in March.  I day or two before the flight, we were hit with 16 inches.  (That's 2.5 cm per inch). This year, the snow just won't stop. ... Continue Reading →

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