A day in Bahçelievler, Ankara

Bahçelievler means houses with gardens. What a lovely name for a neighborhood. I never really visited it much when I lived in Ankara other than visits to the hospital, an antique store, and visits to Anitkabir (the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk). According to Wikipedia, Bahcelievler was known in the 1970s as a battleground for... Continue Reading →

Typing in Turkey

After years of blogging, my husband decided that I should own a typewriter.  I had always wanted one, but had never pulled the trigger.  He presented me with my first manual typewriter, a 1961 Royal Futura 800. A year and a half later, I'm the proud owner of 13 manual typewriters ranging from extremely odd... Continue Reading →

Shameless Plug

My brother has created a website to promote his lovely hand-crafted furniture.  I welcome my readers to peruse the site and photos of his work.  Feel free to contact him directly if you are looking for furnishings (truly artwork) from reclaimed wood.  Just click the below link. Bill Henson Custom Wood Work

In America Anything Is Possible

These days, I find myself with some time on my hands.  This morning I am feeling a little nostalgic.  I rarely look back on my Philadelphia homes with anything less than happiness.  They were good days.  I never fully regret selling my houses (although admittedly, I regret selling the little condo from time to time.)... Continue Reading →

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