An Expat Thanksgiving

Since Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and I love to cook (particularly the chopping which gets out all of my stress and aggression) I couldn't pass up the opportunity to cook for friends.  On Saturday night, I will make an "American" Thanksgiving dinner for 14 adults and 7 children, mostly Turks, some of whom have... Continue Reading →

Thanksgiving Gratitude

 Thanksgiving is my favorite holidays - better than Christmas.  It's a time of homecoming.  On other holidays, people often take advantage of the vacation to go away, ski the Alps, enjoy the water at the beaches, tour a new and wonderful city.  But at Thanksgiving, people go home.  It's a wonderful time of year with... Continue Reading →

Creatively speaking . . .

On a recent flight between Philadelphia and Ankara, I became restless.  To busy myself, I picked up the airline’s onboard magazine and began flipping through it.  As I often do, I started from the back and because I did, I read parts of stories before I read the headline.  While skimming the pages, I came across... Continue Reading →

Children are More Free

This morning, as I was enjoying a cup of coffee and the autumnal morning sun from my balcony, I noticed a young girl across the street.  I quickly recognized her as the girl who lives in the apartment building next door.  In one hand she held a bag containing two loaves of bread.  In the... Continue Reading →

A.I. sits out the first game

Allen Iverson did not play in the first game after his arrival.  According to the team's manager, Murat Murtezaoglu, Iverson “did not feel ready” to play Friday night's game against Renault. Instead, Iverson watched the game from the stands with Big Ki.  Iverson did not dress in uniform.  Beşiktaş Cola Turka beat Cola Turka 87-81. This may... Continue Reading →

Veteran’s Day Salute

This post is copied from the Chester County Hall of Heroes.  It's a tribute to my great-uncle Pete, who served and died in WWII.  (My Pop also served in the war.  And my Uncle Georg served for the German army.)  My mother was interviewed for the following article. Walter Archer was born ion July 23,1920... Continue Reading →

Two minutes of peace

This morning I expereinced something miraculous, wonderous, beautiful, strange, and different.  Today is the 72nd anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's death.  He was the founding father of modern Turkey.  At exactly 9:05 this morning, the precise time that he passed, all of Turkey came to a standstill for 2 minutes of silence.  I was driving... Continue Reading →

Turkey Welcomes A.I.

Allen Iverson, donning a Phillies baseball cap and a Besiktas jersey, has finally arrived in Istanbul! I bet he's never been been man-handled like that  - at least not by men who weren't wearing dark blue uniforms and badges!  If you think he looks surprised now, wait until some man tries to wrap his arm around... Continue Reading →

Press “1” for English

I never really understood why Americans get their shorts all in a bunch when others speak Spanish in the country.   Perhaps it's just arrogance.  Or maybe it's fear.  The United States is one of the "newer" countries in the large scheme of things.  It was built (after a bit of theft) by a multitude of nationalities, races,... Continue Reading →

What to Write?

I have been sick all week, confined to my living room couch.  I can't think of a thing to write.  So I'm going to try to remember a poem that my 7th grade teacher, Ms. McDonald, had us memorize.  And I'm going to try and do it without cheating!  Here goes . . . Stopping... Continue Reading →

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