Getting Around

Ankara streets are laid out like a [INSERT TEXT HERE]. No, that wasn't a mistake.  The street map is so crazy, I couldn't think of anything to write!  So feel free to comment with your suggestions! It's amazing to me sometimes that anyone finds anything.  And yet, we do! This is my version of how... Continue Reading →

Adventures in Bozcaada

It's been quite a while since I started to write about the long weekend spend touring Çanakkale.  I've been a little sidetracked lately.  To bring you up to date, Day 1 was a trip from Ankara to Bursa, with a stop to eat İnegöl Köfte in İnegöl.  Day 2 started with a trip from Bursa to Troy. Day 2... Continue Reading →

A Day in the Life

A day in the life of anyone can bring with it the good, the bad, and the ugly.  A typical day for most adults is probably something like this:  Get up.  Go to work.  Grab a quick lunch.  Work some more.  Head home.  Eat dinner.  Go to bed.  Of course, there's room for a little... Continue Reading →

Traditional Turkey in Ankara Hisar

Adventures in Ankara welcomes guest blogger, Emma Stone. Emma is a travel ‘fundi’ who spent a year back-packing in Nepal. She is based in London and writes about finding budget holidays in unusual places. Ankara is an exciting city to visit if you’re interested in Turkey’s ancient history. It has many examples of traditional architecture, completed... Continue Reading →

Tips on Parallel Parking

Since I was 6 years old, I have always lived on streets where folks must parallel park their vehicles.  My father was a truck driver and two brothers followed in that line of work.  So when it came time to learn to drive, believe me, I knew I had better learn to parallel park or... Continue Reading →

In the Land of . . .

. . . Snow! Ankara is not historically known for big snowfalls.  Apparently, that is changing now that I am here.  Last year, I flew back to the States in March.  I day or two before the flight, we were hit with 16 inches.  (That's 2.5 cm per inch). This year, the snow just won't stop. ... Continue Reading →

Remembering Ephesus

If you are Catholic and practiced at one time, it is hard to forget St. Paul's letters to the Ephesians.  You may forget the text, you may even forget who wrote them, but that name, "the Ephesians,"  is somehow stamped on our brains.  Most likely, it was because we heard the term "Ephesian" so many... Continue Reading →

Eurasia Marathon 2011

This past weekend was Eurasia Marathon - a run that starts in Asia and ends in Europe!  You may remember that last year my husband participated in the Eurasia marathon events by running an 8k.  This year he stepped it up a notch, running the 15k.  My nephew, who has been studying this semester in... Continue Reading →

The thing about snow is . . .

It's been snowing for a few days here in Ankara.  We probably have over 14 inches of it.  It's beautiful.  Children are building snowmen.  My husband is hailing me with snowballs.  But as always, with snow comes trouble. Ankara, and likely most of Turkey, is not prepared to handle snowfall.  I learned this a couple of... Continue Reading →

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