Friends, Death, and Manayunk. I’m baaaaaack.

It's almost 8 months since I left my home and moved back to the States.  So many times I have had ideas for blogs posts.  Good ones and bad.  Happy and sad.  Angry.  But I didn't write. This week an old friend told me he felt like he had lost touch.  Although we really don't... Continue Reading →

In America Anything Is Possible

These days, I find myself with some time on my hands.  This morning I am feeling a little nostalgic.  I rarely look back on my Philadelphia homes with anything less than happiness.  They were good days.  I never fully regret selling my houses (although admittedly, I regret selling the little condo from time to time.)... Continue Reading →

St. Nicholas Church, Demre (Myra)

During our week in Kaş, my husband and I set out on our own sightseeing adventure.  We drove to the neighboring town of Demre, formerly known as Myra.  It was about a 45 minute drive - beautiful greenery, mountains, and sea side.  Our first stop was the Church of St. Nick, THE St. Nick, Santa Claus!!... Continue Reading →

Today’s Photo

Here's something you don't see too often in Turkey - a DIY tile project!  Labor is relatively cheap here, so most simply hire someone.  I say "relatively" because prices of everything seem to be on the rise . . . everything but salary. The tile project is not quite done.  We came across a lot... Continue Reading →

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