Heading Home Again

Yep, it's only been 3.5 months, but I'm heading back to the States.  This time I have some business to tend to, but will visiting my family for the most part.  Once again, as I anticipate my departure, I am salivating over thoughts of food. Yes, pork is at the top of my list:  bacon,... Continue Reading →

Selen’s Summer Pasta

I just created this recipe today - with things I had in the refrigerator and from my balcony garden.  It's easy to make and can be served hot or at room temperature - like a summer pasta salad.  As always, you can change the ingredients to suit your tastes! INGREDIENTS: 3-4 Fresh tomatoes 16-18 fresh... Continue Reading →

Miss Me Yet?

I know, I know. It seems like a week since I have written a post! In my defense, I did add a new page to my blog this week about things for kids to do in Ankara. It didn't appear as a post, so you may have missed it. It has been quite a busy... Continue Reading →

Ankara – It’s a Small World

The city of Ankara has a population of at least 4.5 million.  The number has doubtless grown since the 2008 census.  It is about three times more populated than Philadelphia, whose 2010 count was over 1.5 million.  And it's way bigger than my hometown of West Chester, PA, whose 2000 census counted less than 18,000... Continue Reading →

What’s in a Career?

Before moving to Ankara, I was a Philadelphia lawyer.  While the definition of "Philadelphia lawyer" is sometime good and sometimes bad, I prefer Wikipedia's definition, "Philadelphia Lawyer is a term to describe a lawyer who knows the most detailed and minute points of law or is an exceptionally competent lawyer."  I can't claim that this definition was... Continue Reading →

Home is where my garden is

Moving to Ankara, one of the first things I did was to start planting.  Back home, I was a part of a group that began the Broad and South Community Arts Garden.  I think it is currently known as the Garden of the Arts.  (Click the link to see its beautiful website!)  Back then, it... Continue Reading →

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